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Contact Our Firm if You've Been Charged with a Drug DUI. We Have the Experience & Courtroom Skill to Establish a Successful Defense.

Washington State Marijuana DUI Attorney

In the early 1990's a charge of Marijuana DUI was almost unheard of. However, with the passage of voter Initiative 692 in 1998 (recognizing medical marijuana) a law enforcement backlash began. More and more marijuana users (and patients) are being accused of "marijuana DUI." Criminal defense attorney Steve Graham has been at the forefront of the battle against such charges. Often the "probable cause" for such charges is nystagmus, eyelid tremors, dilated pupils, green tongue or other such spurious evidence.

The Marijuana DUI charge usually ends with a request for a blood sample at a hospital. It is usually smart to talk to a criminal defense lawyer prior to deciding whether to submit to a blood test. Under Washington law, a driver has a right to refuse to a such a blood test, but the penalty for such a refusal is a 12-month license suspension by the Department of Licensing. Under current law, the presence of THC in a person's blood is not sufficient to convict on a DUI. The scientific studies available do not necessarily support the notion that mairjuana consumption leads to impaired driving.

Usually, a representative of the Washington State Toxicology Lab appears in court to to testify as to the toxicological significance of certain amounts of THC. Usually the toxicologists testify that a certain THC level "may" effect a person's ability to drive. Marijuana DUI attorney Steve Graham is familiar with several reputable studies that show the marijuana in low to moderate doses does not effect a person's ability to drive. However, with the passage of Initiative 502, Washington State will have a "per se" limit of 5 nanograms per mililtiter to define marijuana intoxication. See also out page on marijuana restrictions pretrial.

Free Consultation

Would you like to discuss your case with Steve Graham? He is available for free consultations on cases of marijuana dui in Washington. You won't get a sales pitch, or any judgments made about what you have done. You will simply receive his honest opinion, and he will listen and answer your questions.

Call (509) 252-9167 to schedule your free initial consultation.